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Pass Vault: iOS/Android Password Manager

Tech Used: Flutter, Isar DB

Pass Vault is a very simple offline password manager

Pass Vault is meant to be a free and simple password manager for iOS and Android. I am mostly building this to familiarize myself with Isar DB and also because I have so many accounts to keep track of. The app is kept offline and makes no connection to the internet. The apps current state doesn't have any encryption but that will be added over time. I plan to encrypt the password strings using AES. I will also encrypt the DB itself when Isar V4 releases.

Feel free to install this and use it if you'd like. Also feel free to build onto it as well.

Roadmap / TODOs

  • [ ] Password String Encryption
  • [ ] Database Encryption
  • [ ] Password Generator w/ Custom Rules
  • [ ] Custom Categories / Tags
  • [ ] Dark Mode
  • [ ] UI Consistency
  • [x] Obscure Password on Password Information Screen
  • [x] Add Copy to Clipboard functionality
  • [ ] Allow Password Information Edit
  • [ ] Master Password for App Auth (String or Pin)
  • [ ] Implement FaceID / Fingerprint
  • [ ] Windows / MacOS / Linux implemention?
